I write a variety of creative content—engaging text for technical/IT companies that's layperson friendly, humorous product launches for retail, and websites/social media initiatives for mission-driven organizations. My writing and editorial skills have been honed over the years working with a broad range of content. Helping businesses succeed with on-target marketing (brochures, case stories, web, social), and perfecting academics' papers for publication.

I believe in clarity and consistency, less is more, the serial comma, and the dramatic pause of an Em dash. 



  • Do you avoid public speaking invitations or become stressed when your job requires it?

  • Can you effectively articulate your entrepreneurial ‘elevator pitch’ to potential investors, or your sales pitch to clients?

  • When networking with international colleagues/clients, do you struggle to ‘break the ice’?

  • Are you confident when speaking in your native language about your area of expertise, but feel less secure when speaking in English?

  • Is your slide deck as clear, concise, effective, and persuasive as possible? 

  • Are you using English phrases and idioms correctly? (powerful when used correctly, awkward when not...)

  • Do you handle audience questions effectively?

Coaching sessions are 1-2 hours, and we typically meet together 2-5 times (depending on need). With an understanding of your goal (to overcome specific challenges? or to work on an actual presentation?), I will first observe you giving a brief presentation and then take it from there. Contact me for a conversation about how you can benefit from presentation coaching.